Learn some intersting facts about nails
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Publish: October 31, 2013, 1:04


Learn some intersting facts about nails

- Nails grow faster at night than during the day .
- nails grow faster on the working arm.
- Nails grow faster in warm climates.
- Nails grow faster in summer than in winter.
- Nails grow faster during pregnancy.
- Nails grow 20% faster after a cold.
- Nails grow about 1 mm during a week.
- Nails grow faster for men than for women.
- Nails grow 2 times faster on hands than on feet.
- Nails grow each year more slowly after your 20th birthday.
- Nails grow faster if they are injured or bitten.
- The nail plate is completely changed in 90-115 days.




Nail Artist Games

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Date of drawing: 2015-10-28
